Our mission is to help each person:
enjoy the sport of swimming
become technically efficient with all strokes
compete for self-improvement
be kind and respect everyone
realize their athletic potential
set and reach goals
build self-esteem & confidence
develop positive attitudes
contribute to a supportive team
experience vibrant energy
create a healthy lifestyle
We commit to athlete-centered professional coaching that creates a safe environment physically and emotionally where athletes can:
express themselves
explore becoming an athlete and a competitive swimmer
have fun
The Data
Why Our Focus on Black & Brown Youth?
There are hundreds of swim team opportunities for white children. Nationally there are just a handful of teams for people of color. Often one or two kids of color are on a mostly white swim team. The 2023 - 2024 swim team roster at NC State University has 1 black person and 68 white swimmers. This is a place for black and brown kids to totally fit in.
The sport is wide open for kids of color. The TYR Pro Swim Series April 10 - 13, 2024 in San Antonio, TX provided swimmers a chance to qualify for the US Olympic Trials in June. Of several hundred white swimmers there were three black swimmers. Note: successful elite competitive swimmers, at the Olympic and World level, are usually tall people.
Anyone, of any swimming ability, can drown. Black people drown at a higher rate than white people. In the 11 - 12 year old range, black kids drown at a rate 10 times higher than white kids. This team seeks to take kids from water safety principles, to swim competence, to swimming athletes - while having a great time!
The more black swimming athletes, the more ability to save lives, and positively inspire future generations to see the possibility of swimming for pleasure and health or becoming a successful competitive swimmer.